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I recently purchased some Explore Scientific 82 degree eyepieces. 6.7 mm 11 mm 18 mm 30 mm  due to the poor weather Tuesday was the first time I had a chance to use them in my CPC 925. I found the fov no better than 2 Swan 72 degree eyepieces I borrowed. Had to keep moving my eyes to see the full fov. Maybe its me and my eye sight at 74. Its not the money that concerns me but maybe I should have got a narrower fov. Advice is required. Thanks.

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Hello. I have a William optics uwan(82 degree). And I have to move my eye to get the full fov. In my experience on wide angle eyepieces you do seem to have to move your eye slightly to see round the eyepiece view . So maybe if you are not happy to do this then maybe look at something in the 60 degree area eyepiece to which will probably mean your eye can more or less remain in the same place. With plossl I have 50 degree  my eye remains stable and no movement required to see full fov

I hope this helps with your question. 

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I own an Explore Scientific 82 degrees 4.7 mm and I have to move my eye around, closer to see the edge of the AFOV, they are made like that.

For me it's a great piece and it's possible to look through it for a long time!  it's possible to pull my eye far away, view from a odd angle and still see something, I think it's a nice quality feature.

My other eyepieces are 55 and 60 degrees and it's ok, I don't feel penalize because one has 82 degrees and others have 60.

--> When I take the time to look carefully I don't think about the FOV.

I don't have a doubt you will learn to appreciate your eyepieces. That's what I feel about this situation.


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I will have to have a mull over what to do. I like the ES 82 degree fantastic quality and my original intention was to have the complete set and done with. I did have a Panaview 38 mm but found it was not sharp towards the edge of the fov and I foolishly believed it was because the fov was only 70 degree. But then it was cheap compared to the ES 82 degree. I hate returning items but maybe I should get some eyepieces with a narrower fov but of a good quality. 

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I don't think I could take 82 degrees to be honest.  I have 70 degree EPs and they are very comfortable - at this level you don't really need to roll your eye about to see all of the view.

Your 9.25" SCT at f/10 should be very forgiving so if an eyepiece is soft at the edges it doesn't bode well for the EP quality imho.  Consider using the f/6.3 focal reducer for an easier range of eyepieces (also corrects the view) also will means you don't need to get the real heavy ones i.e, over 24mm.

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