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Further Testing The C9.25 - Using Atik 16HR


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Conditions not too good last night - murky thin cloud.

Thought I would have a go using the Atik 16HR.

6 X 3mins at F6.3 , H-alpha

6 X 3mins at F6.3 , OIII

Synthesised green channel.

Was planning to use my electric filter wheel but it broke down !

The auto guider needs tweaking a bit but it did a reasonable job. The processing a bit rushed and the colours a bit strong , but who cares these are only test images.



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Hi Rog and the other guys who have commented ,

I may be up and running again but stuff I touch seems to break. The EQ6 had to go back after one day. My new electric filter wheel worked perfectly a month ago then when I tried to use it recently it would not work. The supplier is taking it up with the manufacturer. I keep wondering whats going to go wrong next.

Back to the scope - seems to be performing well , the guiding is going to have to be spot on with the increased focal length and smaller field of view - especially using the Atik. But I think I am slowly taming it.


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Thanks , CW.

The red needs to be reduced a bit :)

But as I said these are just trying out the new kit to iron out any problems while its nice and warm outside.

Might try tonight to increase the lengths of the subs.


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Hi Arran,

I use the method of synthesising a green chan. when I only have red ( H-alpha) and blue ( OIII ) data or I want to save time. I make an RGB image from the red/blue data by copying the blue and calling it green. Then I use Noels Actions to synthesise a green chan. Sounds a bit odd I know and there are other ways of doing it.


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