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What astronomy shops online accept paypal?


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Telescope House are near to me in Tunbridge Wells and are the same company you are thinking of that moved out of central London.

I look to buy first from FLO, but if he doesn't stock what I need, I've found TH to be very good and very reliable.

Look out for their 10% off offers - they seem to have them around bank holidays.


PS They changed from a .co.uk to a .com fairly recently

Mike, I just loved browsing through BCF as it was, every time I visited London.

It was the long walk down Farringdon Road, past the Mount Pleasant Post Office HQ, and way down to B.C.F' shop.

It wasn't a huge floor space in there, but I did a lot of drooling over the scopes set up in the middle of the shop. What's the premises they have now like.? They have to be a lot bigger surely.

I usually go to The Widescreen Centre in Dorset Street now. I don't think I will ever lose that "Kiddy Looking in a Sweetshop Window" feeling when it comes to Astro Shops.

Ron. :)

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They are in a unit on an industrial park. I never got to the BCF shop, they had moved out before I had chance to visit, so I can't compare size. Also, the one and only time I went to their new place (I've only bought small items and done it via mail order), they were closed and in the middle of some sort of internal reorganisation. Looking through the window, it all looked a bit temporary, but I could see quite a few (Meade) scopes on display and they looked to have a decent amount of space. For comparison, I've been to the Widescreen Centre and from memory I'd say TH had at least 4 or 5 times that amount of retail space.

I'll be visiting on 1st August - they are having a "partial eclipse day" with 10% off purchases. I have my eye on the Astronomik LRGB filters. I'll let you know how it has changed now they have settled in.


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It wasn't a huge floor space in there, but I did a lot of drooling over the scopes set up in the middle of the shop. What's the premises they have now like.? They have to be a lot bigger surely.

I used to work near the Farringdon Rd. Shop, and I was always visiting. It was like walking back in time...uneven floors, shelving & cabinets that looked as if they were built 50 years ago (and they quite likely were).

Their new space is modern, actually has a similar amount of floor space, but is connected to their storage area, so I imagine that in-store staff has immediate access to many more items. The current space is more professional looking, but doesn't have the charm & feel of the Farringdon rd. place.

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I bought my 1st astro accessory from tthe Farringdon Rd shop. A 12.5mm ortho :)

My old company moved their sales office to Aylesbury street which was close to Farringdon Rd back in 2005 and I thought I would have many lunch hours of perusing.

Unforunatley when I moved into the office the shop had gone.

I have been down to TW a couple of times and it is a nice shop but it does lack the charm of the London shop.

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Is there still a ferry runs from Tilbury to Dartford.? If so, how far then To Tunbridge Wells. ?

I seem to suffer more than my share of nostalgia, and always a need to re live things. I'm pretty sure that's not an altogether healthy trait to have.

Ron. :)

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I'll be visiting on 1st August - they are having a "partial eclipse day" with 10% off purchases. I have my eye on the Astronomik LRGB filters. I'll let you know how it has changed now they have settled in.


Cheers Mike, I am in London on the 8th. which is a week later, I have a planned visit to Rogers while I'm there, but that has been sanctioned by YKW, and I think any other excursion on my own would incur some very unpleasant responses. Understandable though. :)

I'm sure I will get a chance to visit TW at some time in the future, but as some of the guys in this thread have said, the old charm of the Farringdon shop was not transferable, mores the pity.

Cheers mate. :lol:

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Steve, Flo. may well benefit from providing Paypal for customers, although some of your goods by nature are pricey items, so you will incur some hefty charges will you not?

That was on my mind as PayPal does have a reputation for being expensive. But, having looked at their charges, depending on how much is processed, they should work out similar (2-3%) to the other card types. I am also reassured that they have teamed with Protx (very high security) so it looks as though PayPal payments will soon be accepted at FLO :)

Thanks for the warning Mel, we will monitor the situation and will quickly remove the option if there are problems.

The other bonus Steve is that you have no doubt ended up with odds N sods that havent moved or are customer returns etc, you could run an ebay shop to clear those items via auction and still list your other equipment with buy it now or nearest offer.

We have been fortunate so far Ian in that we have had very little that requires clearing, and when we have we offer it here on SGL. Actually, the 'Clearance' tab on FLO's website has been pretty-much redundant :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

... are there any astronomy websites which allow payment by Paypal. Fingers crossed it is FLO, but I think not.

FLO now accepts Paypal :D

The Paypal logo isn't displayed on the home page (it will be when the new site is launched next week) but there is Paypal button on the payment processing page.

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Someone has used it already, less than 30 mins of it going live :mrgreen:

There you go, prepare for an avalanche Steve. :D

And this has just taken me to my 8000 post on SGL.

Now that has to be a good omen for you. I hope.

Ron. :(

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