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Milky Way from Oz

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Just come back from Australia, where we spent some time up in the Kimberley region of WA, beautiful clear skies with no LP, here are a couple of mosaics, both taken with a Canon 5D3, at 24mm f4, 30 second exposures at 25600 iso, stitched in MSICE

First taken from the campground at the Mornington wildlife reserve, the second from the BungleBungle caravan park.




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22 minutes ago, laudropb said:

Amazing images. That must have been a wonderful sight.

Yes it really was jaw dropping. We stayed on campsites, which were not the darkest places since Aussie travellers love their LED lights! But even then you could still see the whole ark of the milky way from horizon to horizon, and on one night I'm convinced that I caught a whiff of the Gegenschein with averted vision.

Thank you all for your kind words.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I've not been entirely happy with these, mostly since I didn't take darks, so here we go again, my favourite of the two, now with darks removed.

The noise backround of the Canon 5Diii is horribly biased towards red, which goes to explain the horrible cast in the original image

See the camera section in equipment for more details of my runaround in obtaining darks!:icon_biggrin::icon_biggrin:




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