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eagle control unit

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It does contain power sockets and all manner of other things too, and looks sturdy enough to be bolted where they have them in the brochure images. If you wanted a tidy rig, then it is a definite option and factoring in all the individual components, USB3 laptop, etc etc, it isn't that extortionate. And it is red...

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Well it all sounds nice, but ... they say for example you can do with a smaller battery. That of course is b.s. ! if you use the same equipment you will will have the same power consumption, plus the power consuption of the Eagle itself!
" it deals with the power for all telescope parts and it decreases the size and weight of the batteries required for starting up everything."
"A power bridge, a more efficient approach to deal with the majority of the devices used in astronomical observation: A smaller field battery is needed and you won't have all the power cables from the various devices causing a headache and potentially ruining imaging from disconnect." 

using a smaller battery will just give you less imaging time...period!
Windows 8.1 a stable platform??? Why did windows introduce W-10 so shortly after W8.1?

To me this sounds like misleading information. Not nice!

I am sorry, but this kind of sales talk really turns me off.

Just my 2c.



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