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Took a look and sketched M51, the Whirlpool Galaxy. At first, naked eye, the sky appeared to be clear, crisp, and sharp. However, I could not make out the faint Sagittarius arm band of the Milky Way that usually streaks from South to Northeast across the sky. I could only make out the hazy nucleus in the "spout" portion of the Sagittarius "tea kettle". With 20mm optics I could make out M51 albeit hazy and very dim. Despite poor transparency, I could barely make out the H-II region of M51a stretching towards the nucleus of its companion. M51b was practically a fuzzy blob with only a bright hazy nucleus readily distinguishable. No visible spiraling in the surrounding fuzz. Slight spiraling outward from the nucleus visible in M51a but only slight. Even with standard light pollution within our town of about 6000 people, on semi-decent nights despite not having a high contrast filter of any kind, M51 usually gives up a little more detail than that being a fairly bright, magnitude 8 object. I think the lack of observational detail can be attributed to the high humidity tonight. 74% relative humidity. A lot of moisture in the air to refract light. 



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