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ic1396 playing about with Registar!


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Well I purchased Registar yesterday so I'm playing about with it. Very impressed in what it can do in terms of combining images of totally different resolution/colour/image scale.

This is combined data from last year taken with my Atik490EX and that with my Moravian G4-16000. I could maybe do the same using PixInsight but nowhere near as easily :-)



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Thanks - but thanks go to Registar really, all I did was pull the trigger on the camera :-) Anyway, it's all Olly's fault because his excellent tips made me go and look at the program which led to me buying it.

I also very quickly combined all the data I collected over the past couple of years on the core of the Rosette too. I'm going to have to stop now though otherwise I'll end up re-posting everything!



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6 minutes ago, steppenwolf said:

It is indeed fabulous - just awful to use :icon_biggrin::evil4:

You think so? Your level of software literacy is orders of magnitude ahead of mine but I can use Registar quite happily so I'm surprised. Of course I keep well clear of that nafarious 'Group Manager' or whatever it's called and have learned, if ever I get a refusal, to delete all its records of previous attempts so it can start again. Alternatively you need to change file names since a refused file seems to remain a refused file even when you flip it, turn it inside out or set it on fire... But in the general scheme of software inscrutability, if we set Pixinsight as being the size of the universe then Registar would be no bigger than the balance in my current account...


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4 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

...... if we set Pixinsight as being the size of the universe then Registar would be no bigger than the balance in my current account...

.... THAT MUCH? Oh my :D 

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19 minutes ago, ChrisLX200 said:

Thanks - but thanks go to Registar really, all I did was pull the trigger on the camera :-) Anyway, it's all Olly's fault because his excellent tips made me go and look at the program which led to me buying it.

I also very quickly combined all the data I collected over the past couple of years on the core of the Rosette too. I'm going to have to stop now though otherwise I'll end up re-posting everything!



Now you're in trouble! Here's a typical observation from by beloved collaborator, Mr O'Donoghue: We've got this nice data from the North America Nebula, and a cracking Trifid from eight years ago. We'd only need sixteen thousand  panels at ten hours apiece to link them together... Well, plus the Ha of course.

You have been warned!


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if we set Pixinsight as being the size of the universe then Registar would be no bigger than the balance in my current account...

Come off it Olly, you can't keep that Euro Lottery win a secret forever ....

Registar isn't difficult to use, just not particularly intuitive - a bit like errr, well you know what I mean ...........

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I thought it was fairly simple to use? Then again, I haven't really explored all its capabilities. As Olly described there are clever things you can do when you know how - mostly to do with mosaics (which I don't do <cough!>).

Oh go on... another one. It's raining cats and dogs outside so nothing better to do right now (and football is on the TV). This is Melotte15, the original size of the 490EX capture but combined with data from my Heart Neb image.



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Seamless! My routine uses of Registar are to

- make mosaics,

- combine high and low resolution images for what Rob Gendler calls 'Composite imaging,'

- combine data from different scopes, including those of people wanting to collaborate on a picture,

- combine data from old and new images,

- align or re-align colour channels when Astro Art doesn't get them quite right. This can be done on a processed image, too, by splitting, saving, aligning and recombining them,

- align L to RGB,

- align and crop, or just crop, data to fit a definitive crop once that's been decided upon,

- aligning NB data to LRGB for combining.


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