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EQMOD Software

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Hi all.

Can anyone help me ?

I'm trying to use my HEQ5 pro mount with pc ,

Installed the Ascom drivers, instaled the EQmod software,

Connected handset via usb-serial thingymebob (which is on com5)

Done the register things to copy the Dll's into the Ascom folder (they are there)

Using Cartes du Ciel, when i try to connect, the eqmod window pops up then quickly dissapears.

If I try it using the PErecord program, it says no eq5 mount found on com5

Also trying to use starry night (version 2.12) when i select the about plugins menu it lists ascom, but cant get to the configure telescope from telescope menu as its greyed out.

Any help with configuring the HEQ5 Pro mount with pc very welcome

Cheers in advance :wave:

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- double check you are using the correct COMport.

- if you are going direct from the Laptop to the handset, then the handset MUST have firmware version 3.21 or higher installed. You can find the firmware version currently installed when you power the mount/handset up.

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Cheers Steve

Yep, com port should be ok, I check in hardware manager to make sure I'm using the correct one,

on this pc the serial-usb is on com5 and ive set EQMOD to be on com5

Handset version is 3.12

When you say direct from pc to handset, I have the serial cable going from the usb into handset, with handset going to mount, Is that right ?

I'll look at updating the handset version

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Sounds like your connections are OK GK - just the software update.

If your PC doesn't have a serial port you might run into a problem connecting the PC to the handset to update it.

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luckily my desktop does have serial port, laptop doesnt,

can you not update the handset using a serial to usb converter ?

Yes you can but it does take considerably longer, it does warn you in the manual somewhere, best do it from the desktop if you can.


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Sorry, I got here too late but you have been in good hands! For what it is worth, I exclusively use Cartes du Ciel with EQMod and it works very well indeed although as I have the non-upgradeable hand controller, I have made my own interface to obviate the need for the hand controller but the principles and usability of C du C will be the same for you. You will not believe how great using EQMod is in comparison with the hand controller!

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