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Design app/software for shed (observatory)?


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We will be moving house soon (hopefully) and I have been given permission to put up an obsy at the new address. I was thinking of buying one but thought that building one might be better for my needs. Not having built a shed before; does anyone know of a design program or app for building sheds. It's silly things like not knowing what size timber to use for the supporting framework or how far apart the uprights need to be etc.

Any information would be most helpful; and then roll on winter! :thumbright:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Have a look at Sketchup; it's free and very powerful. It may take a while to get into it but there are a ton of video tutorials and once you understand how to make components, it becomes very quick to put ideas together.

As to what size timbers to use, I would look at websites of companies that build timber buildings and get a gauge of the way they are constructed, you will be surprised how small the timber sections are. For example, if you were building an internal timber stud partition partition a builder may use 75x50 (3"x2") or 100x50 but a lot of these timber buildings are put up with 50x35 or smaller and use cladding panels or internal plywood sheets as structural skins. 

I have used Sketchup for commercial projects (Station House) and doodling ideas for obsys, give me a shout if you want some pointers.

Good luck with the move, I hope it goes well.


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+1 for Sketchup. It does take a bit of getting used to but there are plenty of tutorials on Youtube - search "Jay Bates Sketchup". You can use it to doodle as Anthony says but it's functionality is equivalent to most CAD packages.  I use it primarily doodling ideas and for cutting plans (ie figuring out how much timber I need for a project and how to cut it efficiently), I rarely plan out a job in detail.

there's no need to go overboard on timber dimensions for the carcass of your shed - 50x50mm is ample, anything more just adds weight and cost. But if you use anything smaller then you need to consider a structural skin (plywood preferably). a 50x50mm carcass with a breathable membrane on the outside, shiplap timber cladding over that and a 9mm plywood skin on the inside (to give rigidity) would suffice for a small shed.   

There's great satisfaction to be got from building your own and as long as you have basic skills / tools and  take your time work methodically it's an easy job for long summer days.

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Thanks for the replies & suggestion of Sketchup. 

Anthony, your Station House drawings are amazing!

Unfortunately the house we were going to buy didn't suit in the end, so we are buying a different property which has virtually no southern sky and no western sky at all. With this in mind I think it would be a waste of both time & money to build an obsy. I guess I will just have to keep carrying my kit out the garden to set up.:sad:

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Thanks Gina! I might look at it again after we have been in a while. There is so much other work that needs doing first (the previous owners were in the middle of renovations) that I couldn't justify spending time on an obsy anyway. There is a small patch of southern sky between the house to the south of us and the first of their trees, so I might be able to do something. Only time will tell.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I looked at Sketch up and yes it is a steep learning curve, in fact I sacked it off and bought laser_jock99's app too. It was very rewarding and there were no in app purchases! Seriously though, graph paper, pencil, rubber and rulers sometimes feel "right". After trying numerous methods on my laptop my plans were literally drawn up on paper and a list of materials written on the next page. I'm just waiting for the funds from the bank manager (wife!) However I've been assured they will be released in time for the observatory to be complete for the winter. Sorry to hear about the move falling through. Sometimes it's not just those clouds that interfere!

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