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Suitable sheet material for secondary cage lining?


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Hi all,

Can anyone suggest a suitable mateiral for using as liner for a secondary cage for a Newt? Kreige & Berry have Kydex though not easy to obtain in the UK from the looks. Was thinking about 1mm ABS (then lined with flock) - anyone have experience or better suggestions? (this is for a 400mm ID secondary, 230mm wide (ring to ring) - something v lightweight always beneficial here too!)



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Kydex can be got from e bay in A4 sized sheets, I used it for my cage, there's a pic in a thread I posted in the DIY forum back in February - can't link from my tablet so thread titled "scope shroud"

Hope this helps,


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There's a product called flexiply which as the name implies is flexible plywood - I use it for curved surfaces on model aircraft.


You can get small pieces here - http://www.tilgear.info/ply366flx-flexi-ply-3mm-600mm-600mm


Larger pieces here - http://www.winwood-products.com/eng/timber-products/plywood/flexible-plywood.htm


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Aero ply, Bendy-ply, Flexi-ply can be bought from here:- 


Phone for latest prices. I used 1.5mm (aircraft) birch ply and really good quality 3mm is very stiff to bend around a curve like this. Advantage over Plastic/kydex type stuff is it can be glued in to add a lot of strength. 

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Thanks for the replies all.  I managed to find a source for 0.5mm styrene sheet in black that I'm going to try using - I'll probably use a self tapping screw to hold it on the cage struts (and will flock it on the inside - it's shiny enough that I can see there being flat flielding/stray light issues without doing that. I should be able to use something like modellers glue to stick it to itself if necessary. If it doesn't work out, I'll take a look at the aero ply.


Thanks for the replies all :) 

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