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Iris Nebula


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Not brilliant, but my first real attempt with the new camera and scope and a refurbished EQ6 Pro. I used a Starlight Xpress Trius 694, EQ6 Pro, RC8 at native focal length and controlled by SGPro and i processed in photoshop.

This is a total of 6x600 secs in the luminance channel and personally I would of thought I would of got a lot more data in the picture for that length of exposure. Does this look normal in the luminance channel or am I wright in thinking that there should be more data in the picture. Really look forward to your responses.



iris 2.tif

iris 2.jpg

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looks like it was imaged at its native FL without  reducer. it looks fine, the iris is an incredibly tough object that needs long exposures to get above the read noise so your able to pull out the fainter dust.

your  on the right track. 

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41 minutes ago, cardconvict said:

Thank you all for your kind words. I think I will wait for the focal reducer to come through the post and Starr this one again at F5 I think.

If you do that I'd use the high res data you have here to enhance the wider image. Registar will align and resize in a trice.


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