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Newcomer Advice Please

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I was thinking if buying one if these:


or one of these:


Does anyone know if either are any good - if not can you recommend another? I would rather spend under £200 to start with and would like something I could build on but at a push I could go up to £300.

Any advice please as I want to order one ASAP as I am really impatient.

Im from Lincoln so hello to all.

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Don't rush this purchase ! - there is quite a lot of choice in the £200 - £300 price range and it will repay you to do some reading and ask some more questions. At least you are avoiding e.bay which is generally best as there are many poor scopes for sale there.

In the sub-£200 range I think that something like this would serve you well:


Take your time and see what suggestions others come up with. To be honest the scopes that you picked were a little too small in terms of aperture (the diameter of the main lens or mirror) to keep you interested for very long.


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thanks all who have got back to me, i wont be rushing it but cant wait much longer lol. what could i get from flo for £300 or just under? I cant really go any higher than £300 so the one advertised on here (link above) is a tad too high. I cant wait to get started!

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just looked the next one up is £225 - is it much better? Sorry but i am so new to this and have lots to learn. Is it quicker to order online or phone it through tomorrow? Can anyone recommend any books please?

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It all depends what your after...

I used to have a Skywatcher 200 on an EQ5 (that was back when it was called Helios) - lovely scope - hardly ever used it, as I had to store it in several boxes upstairs, and carry it all outside to use it. It used to take about an hour to get it all down and setup, and didn't have goto, so all I learnt how to do was view the planets and moon.

I upgraded to an ETX-105 purely for the goto capabilities, and found that alot more useful - I could leave it setup in the hall, and carry the whole thing outside, and be up and running in 15 minutes once aligned.

So, to recap - a grab and go small scope if you don't have a permanent place to house them would be my advice.

How about something like the Nexstar 102? Its only £259. Look at http://www.firstlightoptics.com/proddetail.php?prod=slt102 (I haven't tried the Nexstar, I was just searching for a reasonable sized Goto Refractor - others on this forum can advise you as to its usefulness)

If I had to go for either of those 2 you mentioned, it would be the ETX-70. Although I really would urge you to get more aperature if you can!

Hope that helps!



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John is right, give yourselves a few days at least before making a decision. Tell us a bit about what most interests you (i.e. planets, lunar, deep-sky, solar) what your sky is like (how much orange skyglow) whether you plan to take up astro-imaging, how portable does it need to be, will it be stored indoors or in a shed/garage, and anything else you think might help? Then we can better advise you :grin:

Is it quicker to order online or phone it through tomorrow?

Most orders placed before 3pm are dispatched same-day, regardless of whether they are made online or over the phone but as you are new to astronomy I suggest you phone, then we can chat.

Can anyone recommend any books please?

Philip's Stargazing with a Telescope is good.


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forgot to add as i am new i am interested in everything. Deep Sky really appeals to me as do the planets. I can store inside on a perm basis but would like one that is pretty portable. I will phone tomorrow as a chat might pormpt me into thinking of other things. Really want to buy one by next weekend though.

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forgot to add as i am new i am interested in everything. Deep Sky really appeals to me as do the planets. I can store inside on a perm basis but would like one that is pretty portable. I will phone tomorrow as a chat might pormpt me into thinking of other things. Really want to buy one by next weekend though.

Hi Jakarta

It's a difficult choice to make your first telescope purchase.

If possible look through a telescope first at a local astronomy club open day or maybe a local SGL member can assist that's close to you. Although at this time of year it will be well past 11.00PM and then some before the sky is dark enough.

If this is not possible then judging by your deep sky interests a 150mm reflector might be a good starting point.

I'm lucky in that my only interest is the Moon and planets, so the choice is much easier.

Don't rush, make the right decision.


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It's great you're getting into to astronomy and I'm sure you'll have some very enjoyable views in whatever scope you buy. Just take you time though, it's better to have a good bit of research done before buying your first scope. :grin:

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hhhmmm decisions, part of me thinks I should hang on a bit especially as Paul says it doesnt get dark for ages!! Bought the book that was suggested from Amazon today so they give me something to think about.

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The sky will be around for a while yet :lol: , wait for darker nights and have a peek thru some scope first as has been suggested.

I suppose there's no harm looking at 2nd Hnd market either once you've an idea of what you're after. People are constantly upgrading. I noticed a flurry of good items on Astro B&S, and here running up to Xmas time last year :grin:

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look forward to my book in the meantime - can anyone please recommend any further reading?

just to add I am a she not a he - i know difficult to gather from my user name - bought new laptop from PC worl today, it should be here tomorrow or wednesday so at least I will have smething to occupy me...lol

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I bought a SkyWatcher 130 Reflector with EQ2 mount, eyepieces and barlow, motor drive from eBay for £48 and 3 gallons of diesel. I bought this for my astronomy group and we are not starting observing until September!!!

You have plenty of time to get a 'scope that's an all rounder. There's plenty to chose from and £200-300 buys a really good instrument. In the meantime, I'd suggest getting a (cheapish) pair of 10x50 binoculars and a star map to navigate the night sky if you haven't already.

Because when the batteries go flat on your GOTO, you'll be lost...

Star-hopping is fun and usually as fast.


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