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M3 Globular Cluster, NGC 5263


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With a 50% moon, and my deep space set up still on my pier, the only option I had was to image something bright.

Globular clusters have always been a favourite of mine, love the way there seems to be a  3D effect.

NGC 5263 is to the left at 9 O'clock.

Magnitude 13.3
Sur. brightness  21.71
Sub-class Sc-Spiral


Imaging telescope or lens: Takahashi FSQ 106N f/5

Imaging camera: Atik 383L+ mono

Mount: Meade LX850 Starlock

Guiding telescope or lens: Orion 80mm Short tube

Guiding camera: Lodestar Autoguider

Software: PHD Guiding,  PixInsight

Filter: Astronomik LRGB IIc

Resolution: 3354x2529

DatesApril 15, 2016

Frames: 20x300" 

Integration: 1.7 hours

Avg. Moon age: 8.18 days

Avg. Moon phase: 58.49%

RA center: 205.545 degrees

DEC center: 28.398 degrees

Pixel scale: 2.112 arcsec/pixel

Orientation: 0.132 degrees

Field radius: 1.232 degrees

Locations: Home, Toronto, Ontario, Canada











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