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Full Solar Disc - SF50...warning it's big...


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Incredible details Nick :shock: ! Makes me think of getting a solar scope finally ...

Did you make this picture this week ? It shows so much activity on the sun, even when there are no sunspots visible with a simple Sun filter 8) .

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Great image, Nick!

I was fiddling with an HA setup on Saturday too. I saw the filaments you've captured and the ever so slight active region of brightness. There were also a few prominences along the edge. One very small straight prom, one nice fan shaped on the opposite side and one long, low loop that became detached later on. Those would not show up in this image obviously, because the exposure is too short here.

Even when the Sun is quiet in white light, as it is now, there's usually something going on in HA. In fact, the Sun is so quiet in white light, we're not even taking the solar scope to the Grand Canyon, just the HA! Unprecedented!

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Great image, Nick!

I was fiddling with an HA setup on Saturday too. I saw the filaments you've captured and the ever so slight active region of brightness. There were also a few prominences along the edge. One very small straight prom, one nice fan shaped on the opposite side and one long, low loop that became detached later on. Those would not show up in this image obviously, because the exposure is too short here.

Even when the Sun is quiet in white light, as it is now, there's usually something going on in HA. In fact, the Sun is so quiet in white light, we're not even taking the solar scope to the Grand Canyon, just the HA! Unprecedented!

Indeed, the hi res one got one of the proms, the other one, I just got bored...:-)

Thanks everyone for the really kind words.. makes it all so much more worthwhile, when your peers give you feedback

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aye they are there, but to get em properly, I tend to do two runs.

Lumenera cameras have a greater dynamic range than the DMK's so you can do the single shot approach a bit easier.

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Steve, they are an awesome scope. Thanks again for the filter cell for my AR6 btw.. still waiting on the ERF glass for that size (have the FL102 side sort of sorted, but the glass for that is a tad too big for the filter cell I have for that one, going to make one up I think)

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