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Waiting for multiple moon transits.


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What a cracking night. Jupiter wobbled above the chimneys, then magically settled to take an easy x200 and beyond. It revealed more details after sharp focussing on the black shadows of Europa and Io. I scanned around for a few hours , the Leo and Virgo galaxies looked bright. The C6r caught some really delightful doubles and triples , just delighted to see these lovely groups again. A huge Iridium flared through Ursa minor about 7.33 kicking off a stunning evening,

clear skies !


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It was great, wasn't it! I caught the first transition for about an hour or so at x150 and x225 (Mak 180). Amazing to see the moon and shadow on top of each other (opposition), so the shadow shape was like a crescent rather than the usual disk.


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Fantastic stuff wasn't it Nick ??

The skies looked really unpromising earlier on, clouded out, but they cleared ahead of the first contact and I had beautiful skies right through until after I packed in around 2am.

Wonderul detail visible. Seeing was a bit variable, but still had decent periods of stability and long moments of really cracking sharpness.

Chris, it really gives you sense of the position of Jupiter relative to the us and the sun at opposition when you see the moons and shadows like that, doesn't it?

Still can't quite believe that a double moon and shadow transit coincided with clear skies, with good seeing, at opposition and when I had a free night to observe! Must have been good recently ??. Should buy a lottery ticket!

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Super report Nick - brings it all back !

It was a really great event - the best session of the year so far for me. I managed to observe a long and varied list of objects from winter stuff in Orion and Gemini right though to Lyra and Hercules after the transit activity.

A resounding reminder of why we do it ! :icon_biggrin:

Chris - I noticed that crescent shadow effect as well, more notably with Io than with Europa. Fascinating.


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Impressive list of doubles and great sketch, Nick!!  

Didn't manage to go out properly for almost two weeks due to work and house hunting! Weather permitting, I'm coming back soon! :) 

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11 hours ago, John said:


It was a really great event - the best session of the year so far for me. I managed to observe a long and varied list of objects from winter stuff in Orion and Gemini right though to Lyra and Hercules after the transit activity.

A resounding reminder of why we do it ! :icon_biggrin:

I second that, John!  

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