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Jupiter and Ganymede 6th March


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I've still got a lot to learn about using my new ZWO ASI224MC, and the learning curve has not been helped by the poor weather of late.  However, I stayed up late to capture this image last night.  I have plans to run images through WINJUPOS and also invest in Topaz Labs de-noise package.  This was taken through a Celestron C14 with a 2x Televue Powermate and ADC.   I used Firecapture 2.51 for capture, Autostakkert for stacking, Registax 6 for sharpening, Maxim DL to rotate the image, and Photoshop CS3 for tweaking.  

Clear skies, John




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Hi John,

Good image showing promise of detail on Jupiter and Ganyede. Seeing has been pretty awful recently. Try an auto colour balance in R6 during wavelet sharpening. Blue is always under exposed with a colour cam.

Best wishes



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