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My 1st Galaxy - M101


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Even though i have been imaging for some months now this is the 1st time i have had some success when it comes to imaging a galaxy. Many previous attempts have ended in disappointment, its far from the best M101 you will see but for me its a start and so glad that i finally managed to get my 1st galaxy under my belt......

87 x 25 second subs @ ISO800, Stacked in DSS with Darks and Flats added, processed in PS E6.....


(click to enlarge)

Comments welcome and appreciated


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The arms are showing very nicely even on my awful work monitor. A nice clear M101, it's a tricky target.

I saw from your last post that you are colour blind which makes colour processing a tad tricky!! This image is a bit too magenta, just needs the red toning down a bit a may be a bit more green.

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You are doing brilliantly Mark. It is a bit of a handicap considering that image processing is so dependent on colour perception. I am certain you will get lots of help and advice if you want it.

Many very willing people on SGL who will gladly assist you.

You are getting some good data down, so you have no worry on that score.

That's a good M101, and no mistake.


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Thanks all for your comments......

I can but try when it comes to processing the data to get the colour as close as it should be, advise is always appreciated.....

I did have another go at processing the image, now that i have had a few hours sleep, but to be honest i cannot tell whether it looks better or worse. It just looks a little brighter.... Followed Martins advise of toning down the red and adding a little green. (Wheres CW when you need him :D )


(click to enlarge)


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Thanks Legion.....

Thanks Kevin, i was beginning to think i would never get there you know, practice makes perfect so they say, even though i know i have a long way to go i am starting to head in the right direction.....Onwards and upwards :D

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It was the wife's birthday today so visiting rights were a bit restricted. :grin: However,in trying to catch up I discovered where this image of a couple of days ago belongs. So,Mark,for what it's worth a rather belated rework of your M101.

Parts of the galaxy arms seem to be missing from the image,either too faint or gone missing during earlier processing. Tried to bring out some of the misty bits but the result is a trade off as some of the stars are dimmed as a result but at least it's found it's home. :lol:



Click as usual.

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Yes i had noticed that CW, some of the arms are missing, i think the arms are just too faint.....I will be having a crack at M101 again sometime over the next few weeks taking a lot more subs, hopefully i`ll get a complete image next time :grin:

Thanks anyways for having a go at cleaning the image up for me

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