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Altair Starwave 80ED - First Image


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So thought that I should post this one.
This is my first go at using and imaging with my new Altair Astro Starwave ED80.
Also first go at using the mount with the GoTo and motors added.
Bresser Mon2 GoTo mount
Altair Astro Starwave ED80
Canon EOS1000d
APT for DSLR control
DSS for stacking
Adobe Lightroom
10 x 120sec at ISO400 (no darks/bias etc, not got my head round that yet)
Still got so far to go. The next thing I will try and do is get some darks to remove a bit of the noise.....
All comments greatly appreciated. Thanks
I will also try to do a proper first light report in the next couple of days.. :-)
Thanks everyone for you help guidance over the last few weeks, it has been invaluable.



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Excellent! Well done. Poss just a tad out of focus. What did you use to focus? My advice for processing is try to avoid making the stars too harsh when bringing oit the nebulosity. I don't use Lightroom so can't advise!

Onwards and upwards!


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Very nice start.  You have captured a lot of detail but there is a lot more in there.  Like my attempt this week the core is a bit blown.

I think Lightroom can only take you so far in pulling out the detail, but something like GIMP (free) or Photoshop (not free) could give you more scope.

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