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First go at Jupiter - Any tips/pointers ?

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First go at imaging and then processing. Frames taken on Tuesday night and just processed.
Used a Bresser Messier NT203 on a Mon2 EQ manual mount. Altair Astro GP Colour Cam and a 2x Barlow.
Also first go at processing. Used PIPP then RegiStax and then a bit of Photoshop.
Pretty happy just need to learn so much more about getting a good set of frames in the first place and then being able to process well.
All comments/advice gratefully received.


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Nice one! Do try Autostakkert!. http://www.autostakkert.com/ I find it produces better results than Registax, then bring the final image into Registax for the wavelets function, which I find amazing. I can't rell if you had trouble focusing, or if you now need to do wavelets. If it was focusing, have you tried a Hartmann mask? I used one for the Moon some time ago and it was great. Or focus with a Bahtinov mask on a bright star then move to Jupiter. I find that quite hard as it takes me so long to find any planet!


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9 hours ago, PeterCPC said:

Great first go. How are you focusing? I recommend using a Bahtinov mask if you can, to focus on a nearby star and locking the focus.


Manual focus at the moment but I have just got a Bahtinov Mask so will have a go with that next time.


9 hours ago, ngwillym said:

Not sure if the focus is a tad off or its just blurring from seeing - what was the exposure time for each frame? and how many frames have you stacked?

either way - a darned sight better than my first attempts


I think it was the seeing. It was a single file of about 1500 frames, not sure of exposure, taken at about 22:30. Jupiter was pretty low so there was a lot of atmospheric wobble (not sure what the correct term is..)



9 hours ago, Psychology said:

Great first attempt, I'd be delighted with that.

Thanks, yes am pretty please and this forum has been a HUGE help :-)


9 hours ago, Astrosurf said:

Nice one! Do try Autostakkert!. http://www.autostakkert.com/ I find it produces better results than Registax, then bring the final image into Registax for the wavelets function, which I find amazing. I can't rell if you had trouble focusing, or if you now need to do wavelets. If it was focusing, have you tried a Hartmann mask? I used one for the Moon some time ago and it was great. Or focus with a Bahtinov mask on a bright star then move to Jupiter. I find that quite hard as it takes me so long to find any planet!


I will do. Thanks

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