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Widefield Dew Control

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Hi Guys

I have a 14mm Samyang lens for widefield shots however this 'Swimming Pool' of a lens does dew up quite quickly.

Normally i'd make up a dew tape an a dew shield for it but because its a VERY widfields lens anything prodruding more then 3 - 4cm past the end of the lens shows up in shot.

Anyone have one of these or something similar that they have a working solution for?


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a dew band works well. (it does on my Samyang fisheye)

a home-made one by one of our members that runs off 4 aa batteries normally lasts about 3-4 hours. More if you put one of the elasticated wrist bands formerly used by tennis players or 1980's gym goers over it. 

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I've just bought the 10 mm Samyang.  I was planning to use a normal dew tape as near to the front of the lens as I can.  When out in the field I'll be powering it with one of these 12v battery packs.


with the temperature controlled by one of these dimmers.


The battery pack is actually about 1200mAh, not 6800mAh, but it still runs a dew band for about 8 hours.

Mind you - I've no idea yet whether it will actually work - I'll try to remember to keep you posted

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11 minutes ago, michaelmorris said:

I've just bought the 10 mm Samyang.  I was planning to use a normal dew tape as near to the front of the lens as I can.  When out in the field I'll be powering it with one of these 12v battery packs.


with the temperature controlled by one of these dimmers.


The battery pack is actually about 1200mAh, not 6800mAh, but it still runs a dew band for about 8 hours.

Mind you - I've no idea yet whether it will actually work - I'll try to remember to keep you posted


Hi Michael

Those dimmer switches are fantastic i have 8 now doing various jobs but i havent come across that battery pack before so thats happening. I wanted a battery based solution for the Sky Watcher Star Adventurer so this will work great and i'll just make another Dew Controller and some straps for the lens

Good to hear the tape is  enough

Cheers Guys

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