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Orion Nebula - A7S on Tak Epsilon


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Modified Sony A7S on Tak Epsilon.

360x30sec at ISO 2000 plus (for the core) 20x30sec at ISO 640 and 20x30sec at ISO 200.

Sky condtions were 20.8 mags/arcsec2 according to the Unihedron Sky Quality Meter.  Ambient temperature around 1C.

I created an HDR image and then compressed the dynamic range but  I think I need to learn some techniques for getting contrast back within the brighter parts.



Larger version here:  http://www.markshelley.co.uk/Astronomy/2016/orion20160115large.jpg

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Lots of the outer dust picked up there, but I have to agree on the loss of contrast in M42. Youve probably already used layer masks, so your next port of call would be some selective high pass and a dash of contrast enhancement using Noels actions (if you have it) - which should also be applied selectively using a layer mask so you can "paint" in the contrast where needed. However it would mean knocking it down and starting the process again becuase you cant apply that stuff to an already processed image.

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I imported the image back into PixInsight and played around with the HDRMultiscaleTransform.  It took a while for me to find the settings I wanted but it had the desired result of getting contrast back into the bright areas - particularly the Trapezium area.  I'm quite pleased with the result now.



P.S. I like this new forum - clicking on the image above allows you to see it full size: 4100 x 2820 pixels


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