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First light with DSLR - please help with processing!

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Last night I managed to get out with the 400D for the first time.

I didnt get much data due to clouds coming over, but I did get 5x5min and then 6x5min darks.

As per usual I just cannot seem to get the data to show anything much.

If anyone has some spare minutes could they have a quick play please to see what I should be getting!

I have been using Nebulosity and following the tutorials but to no avail :D


Thanks a lot, would be great to see what I can expect from this data, and how to get the most out of it. Although there is not much there, I think I should be getting something!


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I cannot download the Zip as I am at work, but my attempts with M101 were not brilliant.

On the indivual frames I had something - but nothing more than a slight blur. After stacking and processing I found that I did have the start of the spiral structure. So for me more and longer subs needed.

I'm sure that you'll find somthing similar after stacking.


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Hi Arran,

I've taken a look at your data and you are right, its very faint. As the others have said, this is a big faint object and needs as many subs as you can. Although the 300 second subs should be sufficient, you just need more of them to increase the signal to noise ratio. Just a few questions:

1. What ISO setting did you use on the camera

2. Do you have any light pollution / what filters did you use if any.

3. What software are you using to stack.

I've had a bit of a play with DSS and there is detail there, I'm just having difficulty pulling it out with the other noise. I'll continue to play.



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Thanks guys

The ISO setting was 800

Whitebalance set to daylight

Also used a CLS filter.

All stacking and processing atempts were in Nebulosity.

What would be a good target to go for with the DSLR? I am limited to my view of the sky, so things in my visible area would be in Canes Venatici, Ursa Major and Hercules, that sort of area. Is M51 a good target or will I have the same issues?

Roll on winter when I have more time in the evening!


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M51 is a good target. It needs dark skies really but I managed it with very light polluted skies, although no moon.

I managed 10 x 1 minute subs and I was really pleased with the result.

This was with the 400d by the way.


(click to enlarge)

M81 + M82 is ok too. Again 10 x 1 minute subs.


(click to enlarge)

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M51 would be my suggestion for the parts of the sky you've quoted. As suggested try increasing to iso 1600 and take lots of subs to reduce the noise (or increase the signal to noise ratio), take as many subs as you can manage (but I suppose that that is weather permitting.

I'm sure everything will come together very soon. Your tracking and focus looked good, just need to get the sun length/number right and you'll be away.


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Thanks for the advice everyone :D

I have a lot to go on now.

I didnt go for M51 as I had already spent a lot of time on that with the Atik, and I really like the look of M101 compared with the other galaxies. However as a learning curve I should stick within my limits for the time being :D

The weather and lack of night time really make it difficult to get lots of subs! But hey we are all in the same boat!


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