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Wonder If I Have Lost My Mojo


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It is difficult to go out in the cold etc..... but the rewards are fantastic when you have a great session. This spell of poor weather cannot last forever and we will all the writing about our experiences and new  kit very soon :icon_biggrin:

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It is difficult to go out in the cold etc..... but the rewards are fantastic when you have a great session. This spell of poor weather cannot last forever and we will all the writing about our experiences and new  kit very soon :icon_biggrin:

I do like an optimist.

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I have kept my interest going with having 4/5 sessions this year viewing the Sun with my PST. I also bought a pair of Helios Apollo 15x70 binos and with an Astronomic  O-III filter in one eyepiece and a Lumicon UHC filter in the other I had the most fantastic view of Rosette Neb ever.

I viewed Catalina the other night with the 4" APO so I am just about keeping my interest going.

I had a 10" Dob for many years but sold it when I bought my Orion VX8. I have been thinking about a 12" Dob but keep putting it off because of the poor weather and whether I will use it that often.

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I sense a lot of my current "malaise" is more to do with "life generally"

than Astronomy. But I do think the *weather* has played some part. :o

But I can still overcome the above. A mere one night doing something

"productive" in Astronomy can still set me vaguely "buzzing"? A recent

discovery of "Arcsinh stretching"... But I guess I'm easily pleased! lol :D

Seriously though - If there are others "swimming through treacle"(?)

can I just empathise and encourage you (us!) to "hang on in there"!  ;)

No "Pollyanna" here. But I do sense that people with "interests" are

generally nicer to know. The inverse seems fairly manifest...

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I sympathise Jules. Through very fleeting patches of clear skies, binos have often been my "comfort" but recently even that has been a push. Just when some promising cold weather comes to push/pull the cloud and wet away we now have the snow and still the cloud! Still some folks are out sledging, enjoying themselves etc. so musn't get too humbug about it. Like the ice outside that Mojo sure gets slippery, oops nearly lost it again, phew that was close. Hang on in there.

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I have kept my interest going with having 4/5 sessions this year viewing the Sun with my PST. I also bought a pair of Helios Apollo 15x70 binos and with an Astronomic  O-III filter in one eyepiece and a Lumicon UHC filter in the other I had the most fantastic view of Rosette Neb ever.

I viewed Catalina the other night with the 4" APO so I am just about keeping my interest going.

I had a 10" Dob for many years but sold it when I bought my Orion VX8. I have been thinking about a 12" Dob but keep putting it off because of the poor weather and whether I will use it that often.

Binos are life savers at times like this - have used my 15x70 Helios Stellars so much this winter grabbing a few minutes observing whenever sky clears - think I'm going to upgrade to Apollos too.

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