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Home-Shed Wirelessly Controlled Setup (Question)

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Hello there!

I just started construction of a 2x2m homeshed to permanently place my Astrophotography setup. I would like to make it so that I can control and image my home observatory from the inside of my house, if that is possible with my current setup.

Would it be possible to control and align my mount (Skywatcher Az-EQ6 GT) wirelessly from my computer, using some sort of wireless transmitter/bluetooth transmitter?

My current imaging camera is a Canon 700D, which I would also really like to be able to control with BackyardEOS remotely from inside. 

Is such a thing possible?

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Its not wireless but I am using one of these


I use a powered USB hub plugged into it to give me more USB ports and it works flawlessly.

Just means having a cable from mount to house.

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i set my laptop at the mount with mount and cameras attached ect then use remote desktop from my living room. Not sure if your wireless will make 10 meteres to it depends on many things (im only 3 to 4 meters away)

Also at the moment i have to focus and frame at the mount before i go indors as i dont have motor focusers yet.

Still new to it myself and only used this method the last 2 night and its been excellent for me

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  • 1 month later...

I am using a 4 port USB Wireless Hub (IOGEAR GUWIP204) there are others. Biggest problem I found was my firewall/antivirus(AVG) was blocking it (doing whats its supposed to do), once allowed everything works on a Windows 10 laptop. You get a little control window where you connect/disconnect each USB port and you can setup options, reboot etc.


Com 1 - Autofocus

Com 2 - Backyard EOS

Com 3 - Orion Star Shoot Auto guider

Com 4 - Celestron CGEM Mount

The hub connects to your wireless network or a separate Wireless Router ( had a Linksys  WRT54G laying around). With a separate router you can take your setup with you star gazing at remote sites. You can control all 4 USB ports WIRELESSLY. It takes about 10 more seconds to download a Canon raw and JPEG than if you were direct connected.  Bonus: Mount you wireless hub on your scope and all those dangling wires go away, you are WIRELESS!

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