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H Alpha January 12th, some nice filaments.


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Didn't feel so good when I woke this morning, but pulling back the curtains the sky was mostly clear!  Instantly forgot how I was feeling, dressed and rushed outside with kit.  Just got set up in time and had the briefest of sessions from 9.20 to 9.21 before cloud came in.  I managed to rattle off seven frames, two of which are below.  Lunt 60mm DS, Olympus E-M5, both 1/30 sec at 1000asa and both taken at 9.21.

There are some nice large and more complex filaments on the disk than there have been over the last few days - from what I've managed to see.

It looks as if the weather has closed in for the day now, talk about a lucky break!  Now, where did I put that whisky? (purely medicinal!!!!!!)



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