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Bresser premium telescope 76/700 EQ


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Can anyone please help. We brought this telescope for my son, think we have put it together ok apart from how to put lenses on and how to use. The instruction booklet wasn't very useful. I don't know anything about telescopes but my 10 year old loves looking at the stars and keeps asking me to get it sorted for tonight. Can anyone help please

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Is it this one


If so it looks very straight forward to put together, the silver bar on the side is to lock the "up and down" movement when you see your target, look through the small finder scope mounted on the top to find your target, this is best done in daytime on a distant object, to make sure Both the main scope and finder are aligned with each other, then at night start with the moon out, point the scope moonward and insert the highest number eyepiece you have and turn the focuser slowly to get focus, this will take some trial and error, but again can be done in the daytime to get it close using a distant object to make it a little easier at night.

Hope that helps a little


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Hi and welcome to the forum. The key thing is to get the finder (small telescope on the top) aligned with the main scope so that you know where you're aiming the main scope. This procedure is best done during the day by selecting as distant an object as you can see from your location. There are many videos on YouTube that will demonstrate this task better than any description I could provide here and it is something that is easy to do and takes little time. At 18:40 tomorrow night the Moon will start to make her climb above the horizon in the East and that would make a terrific object to find with your newly aligned scope as it has just gone past its full moon phase and so will be very bright - of course providing the clouds play along too so fingers crossed.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Hi Carole and welcome to SGL, it may seem as you have stepped into a minefield of telescope problems, with your Son`s telescope, however, help is just an inquiry away and I am sure in a short space of time, with help form the forum, your Son should be able to observe some of the main targets in the night sky, enjoy the forum :)

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