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Well, I liked it anyways.....


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So you wait for days, and days......and daaaaays for the sky to clear properly. And then it does, with the help of a strong gusty wind that treats your telescope as a spinnaker.

So, all in all, I was glad I could grab anything at all. As it was I got hold of the whole of the terminator, and one day i'll get around to doing a mosaic... but for now, here's a bunch of holes in a frigid bit of rock, caused by other frigid bits of rock, a long time ago, from a galaxy far far away....!!


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Sorry, yeah, only its been so long since the kit was out properly that you tend to forget whats what.....

EQ6 PRO, C9.25, PL-130 camera, red filter, 20 secs at 5fps recording, 25fps shutter.

Its a real shame about the wind because the seeing was terrific, usually all those lil details dont show up with this setup.



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