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First Light with my new PST


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First light report of my very brief viewing with my newly aquired seconhand PST 40 mm solar scope I must admit easy setup using the the peephole system used on the PST when clouds don't interfere the supplied 20 mm Kellner is like most say so best left in the case so I thought I'd try our my 24 mm Maxivision and once I turned the focuser it pinged a nice full disc into sharp focus now on to the tuning ring and WoW my first ever live view of solar flares on the limb the view was awesome and so easy to see

I didn't have much time left to view after spending ages on the flares but surface detail was present and I'm sure when I get a cloudless sunny day I'm going to be in for some treats so in my inexpieanced opinion the PST does Wht it says on the tin I have a white light filter also on my 115 triplet and it's good but not Carling just thought I'd share my first views with you .

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Great stuff, Garry. It can only get better. The sun has been - and will be again - a lot more active than it is at present. But, as you write, it's such a buzz to see the prominences, filaments and granulation, etc., on 'the star in our back garden'.*

As for EPs I don't feel confident enough to advise you. Other, more experienced Loungers may do so.

A 12mm Ceemax lives in my solar scope and I use any others as I feel like it, usually for closer views. But if you have the disc and proms framed nicely you've just about nailed it already, I think. Only once have I seen a prom that went so far out from the surface that it was pushing the limits of my FoV. And that was nothing to complain about, believe me!

Have fun on the bright side.

* That description of Sol was one I first read in a post on SGL and I'd be happy to attribute it in a proper fashion if I knew who it was who wrote it originally.

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Nice 1st light. The PST is in my opinion a very user friendly scope, much less of a learning curve than the new Lunt 50mm. When i had one i use to try and aim for a an eyepiece that gave me disc that nearly filled the field of view. I think that was around 8mm. As with all observing the more you look the more you see. Get comfortable, block out the sunlight with a blanket/sheet over your head and let your eyes adjust to the view.

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Nice one Garry. PSTs are surprisingly capable for their size. I've just picked up a used one too, with the aim of doing a PST mod at some point.

I used to use either a 12.5mm BGO or Televue 11mm Plossl in the one I had before. Very sharp and just about ideal mag most of the time I found.

As long as your triplet is air spaced, you should try a Herschel Wedge in it, ideally the Baader Zeiss one. That certainly will be a Carling moment when you look through it [emoji3]

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