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First attempt at imaging

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I finally had a go at imaging tonight, using a standard toucam pro II and my OO Europa 250 with a X2 barlow. I took a load of AVI's using K3CCD tools and then processed a few in registax. I think I need more practice...... but I was reasonably happy with the result for a first attempt. Thanks to all the people who have posted so much usefull information on the BB


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Russell Allen

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I thought that myself, I was intending to throw in the barlow but the clouds started coming over and the image, feint already kept dissapearing from the screen when I was attempting focus. It was already late and I needed to go to bed. I will give it another go over the weekend. I'm also trying to work out how to use WCS for doing the polar alignment as I think getting that more accurate may also improve the image quality. Could I do the focusing on a star, note the position on the vernier focuser, swing to saturn and centre with an eyepiece, re-insert the toucam and focus on the vernier setting. I found the feint barlowed image very difficult to focus on screen.

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I'm also trying to work out how to use WCS for doing the polar alignment as I think getting that more accurate may also improve the image quality.nin

I really don't think that this is a priority. Aligning on Polaris plus a guessed 45 arcmin shift should be plenty good enough for keeping the planet centred for as long as it takes to grab a few thousand frames.

Could I do the focusing on a star, note the position on the vernier focuser, swing to saturn and centre with an eyepiece, re-insert the toucam and focus on the vernier setting. I found the feint barlowed image very difficult to focus on screen.

I haven't tried that but I have tried focusing on lunar craters and then shifting to Saturn without changing the imaging train and I got my best Saturn image that way.

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