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Settled on 12" Revelation Newt...now to get a mount...


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So I had poked the bear on opinions earlier this week on ideas towards a new scope. I have honed in on a 12" Revelation Newt, with that choice now it is time for a mount. My current mount WILL NOT work with this new scope due to capacity limitations. New scope weighs approx. 20 kg and I have come across iOptron's CEM60 and as far as capacity goes, it seems to be quite the workhouse @ 60#. They offer the manual as well as GOTO versions. Anyone have any suggestions? One big drawback to this mount is cost: $2499-$3899. Pretty steep if you ask me. Tripod pairing as well?????

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This will be for visual *initially*. I am using my first scope (127 Mak) for learning AP. I am sure down the road I might try and connect my 60D or get a CCD to use, but for now only visual. I would prefer a GOTO system simply because I travel a lot and my wife uses the scopes with my kiddos while I am away. She doesn't invest much time into learning the sky  :sad: . Any who, the GOTO would make it simpler for both parties, happy wife, happy life.....

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My concern would be the stability on an EQ mount unless it's majorly heavy duty. The CEM60 looks good but I have no knowledge of it.

I do wonder if a better route might not be a GOTO/Tracking 12" dob for yourself and your wife and children? This would be more stable, then you could get a smaller apo refractor on an EQ mount later on for AP?

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Congrats on your new scope. If visual only then surely a simple dob mount? Is it the f/5?

FenlandPaul, my bad for overlooking your last question. It is the f/4 M-LRN OTA from telescope house. Would prefer a GOTO system due to multiple users.

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A lower cost mount option for the 12" might be the NEQ6...

I have one for my OO 12" newt for imaging and it works pretty good.


The 12" OO is lighter by several kg.

Mine is also permantly mounted on a pier, on top of a couple of tons of concrete (probably overkill, though)

It needs 3 counterweights to balance it, so I think the Revelation would be a bit overweight for this mount (on the limit for visual, a handful for imaging, for sure)

I am not so sure about the iOptrons. They look a little flimsy and I would need a lot of convincing they can truthfully perform at their stated capacity.

For the same money is the SW EQ8. Physically not really much bigger than the 6, but a bigger load capacity that would cope with the weight better. They are coming up second hand now for good prices, so maybe this would be better.

On your post, you don't say you have actually purchased the scope yet? if not, then would it be worthwhile reconsidering the size of the OTA? A 10" would still be substantial, but lighter and more manageable, especially as you intend it to be portable. My previous scope was a 10" SCT and moving that around was as much as I thought sensible. (In the end, I secured it on the pier, concrete, etc. to save the transport risks.)

Hope this helps and good luck with you decisions.


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