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Manau Kea Webcams

Stub Mandrel

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Trying to find out about single slit guiding I discovered instructions for implementing it on a massive multi-mirror telescope on Hawaii.

Digging further I found loads of interesting stuff, not least a page of live webcams on top of Manua Kea!


It's daylight now, but will be interesting to see them at night.

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It's fun, would be great if they stacked images ...

This one is nice, you can see Orion and the Plieades, but not the Milky Way (at least around mid-day here), even M31:


One links to another set that links to a live webcam at the South Pole, looks like quite a nice day there: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/webdata/spo/webcam/cmdlfullsize.jpg

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