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Obs conversion - Update 6


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I 'shot' this picture from an upstairs window, first thing this morning. It gives a more overall view of converted obsy.

Been busy all day again today, with all lots of little jobs completed, such as finishing off the locking arrangements for the hatch and dropdown door, fitting a 'drip bar' around the under edge of the 'decking', and cutting and fitting some mitred bracing blocks on the inside of the joins in the 'flared skirt' at the base of the 'turret'. Couldn't really do this while it was on the floor in the garage.

Also made the brackets for, and installed the horizontal rollers, which run on veritcal inner edge of the 'ring track'. This keeps the eight vertical rollers, centrally on the 'track', and prevents them from binding against the vertical side of the 'ring track'. The 'turret' now rotates easily and smoothly, with very little physical effort.

Tomorrow, I'll fix the small support frame work, that will attach to the rear of the 'turret', and on which the aluminium angle track that the hatch rolls on, will be extended beyond the periphery of the 'turret'. This is necessary, as the hatch overhangs the rear of the 'turret', when fully rolled back.

Still a few more little jobs to be done, but the end is in sight now, thank goodness.

Would I build another one?, NO!! :angry:

Its difficult to appreciate just how many hours work has gone into what appears to be a simple eigth sided 'box' that rotates, but its been every day for three weeks, and long days at that. Fortunately, I had a good array of power tools to-hand, otherwise it would be nowhere near completion.

I'll take some pictures of the inside, when its all finished, and all the tools and rubbish are cleared away. :p

Yep, I did find the 'centre punch' Rog, it was buried under other bits and pieces on the obsy floor :(



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Dave, as a matter of interest, have you, or are you planning to, heighten the scope mount at all, to perhaps position the scope inside the turret some way.?

Ron. :angry:

No changes planned Ron, as I designed the height of the 'turret' to match the scope and it's mount.

The pier 'top-plate' can be raised or lowerered if required.


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