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NGC6995 - Eastern Veil (HOO) First Narrowband image....


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Hi all,

whilst waiting for Andromeda to clear the neighbour's roof I decided to use the 2 hours for a quick go at the eastern veil.

One of my favourite objects and not in the least because it looks like the Alien from Alien to me!!!!

First Narrowband image so be gentle..

HOO with 12x300 second subs in both 7nm Ha and 8.5nm OIII (Baader)

Scope: Skywatcher Esprit 100ED

Camera: SBIG STT8300M

Stacked in DSS and processed in photoshop.


Comments and suggestions most welcome.


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That's a good first image - the colours are spot on in my opinion Well done :) There's something a little odd about the background and the stars though - but I can't quite put my finger on it. I think that there's more contrast to be had out of the image as well, it looks just a little flat over all. 

Hope that helps.

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That's a good first image - the colours are spot on in my opinion Well done :) There's something a little odd about the background and the stars though - but I can't quite put my finger on it. I think that there's more contrast to be had out of the image as well, it looks just a little flat over all. 

Yeah I get where you are coming from. I toned the contrast and the saturation down during processing as I felt it was looking a little too artificial.

It was kind of a quick process and I hadn't applied the flats :eek:.

I was playing around and wanted to get something quick while waiting for the RGB to be captured for my M31 image.

That one is taking some processing so I may well revisit this in the future.

Thanks for the advice.


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