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Last night's effort


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Finally got out for my first EAA session since November 2014! The evening was pretty fraught, it took a long time to set up and clouds were coming and going. My plan was to observe some Caldwells, but I started with M57 to test the setup (RC6 @F9). Unfortunately M57 is all I managed during the night! I thought I would compare the captures using the RC6 with the captures using the C8 last year. To my amazement I discovered that the captures with the C8 were taken exactly 12 months ago to the hour! Anyway comparisons are below, I think it is clear that the C8's bigger aperture reveals more detail, although seeing, focussing, collimation, tracking, etc, could have all made a difference:


Last time out I found that a quick sharpen in PS brought out tremendous detail, so tried the same on last night's attempt. I'm not sure that I went through the same sharpening process, but the difference is very striking and the C8 is even better:


I also used a Bahtinov mask for the first time and found it very effective.

Any comments, observations, thoughts welcome.

I did try to navigate to get the Cat's Eye nebula before packing up and ended up on what looked like a brightish star, but I could not discern any shape or structure so assumed I had the wrong object so did not try too hard. On reflection I did wonder whether I had seen the right thing after all. Can anyone advise on how it might look with my setup??



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Beautiful images. The C8 does have the edge, but you got an amazing capture with the RC6 as well. I've made some "entry-level" imaging attempts of M57 using the Orion 127 StarMax with Orion Starshoot Deep Space Camera II:

Thanks for sharing your images, Rob!



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Hi Rob,

Great work on M57!

I think you probably did see Cat's Eye. I looked up my list of captures and found one I took a while back with my SW 100ed. At 900mm FL, it would be a little shorter than your setup. Easy to mistake for a bright star. I think some long optics would be necessary to see any detail.



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Thanks Don, I'm pretty sure that's what I saw then as there was another bright star nearby as in your capture. I am thinking that although I did not save the image I probably have the individual exposures so I shall dig them out later and post. :) Sounds like an object to try with the C8 at native FL?


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