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Finally, After months of practice and rubbish images, Im getting somewhere!


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At last I have something Im excited about! 

Finally got all the cogs in place and I have my first properly multiple sub, stacked and processed image.

I know it needs work, and Ive only spent about an hour or so on the processing, But its the first image I have felt

I could upload to SGL. Although it seems to look terrible compared to the actual image on here.. anyway

Hope you think its ok! haha.


20 x 3 minute Light frames

12 x Darks

15 x Bias

ISO1600 .  Taken last night from my front garden in outer London



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You're up and running. What is posted is a perfectly sound starting point for a bit of processing adjustment. Your tracking is fine, your focus is fine. Capture strikes me as being sorted.

Next project is colour balance. Firstly I'd say, have a look at the images of M31 which you like. Then have a look at yours and think about what seems right/wrong on colour. I say this because, rather than listening to the advice of others, it's actually best to look at the image critically yourself.

Let us know what you think when you've had a chance to step back and reflect.


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I know id like to get rid of that kinda sea foam green colour to the galaxy.. but colour balance seems to be where I struggle. Unfortunately because I work off a 

Mac I cant download Hasta La Vista Green and perhaps maybe make life easier! 

I like how ive seen the images with the dust lanes in blue and with a beaming yellow core.. and funnily enough I managed to make my image do something similar by switching the Lab Colour and taking the A channel away. but its still not quite right..

But yes.. green seems to impinge on everything Ive ever attempted to stack. 

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I know id like to get rid of that kinda sea foam green colour to the galaxy.. but colour balance seems to be where I struggle. Unfortunately because I work off a 

Mac I cant download Hasta La Vista Green and perhaps maybe make life easier! 

I like how ive seen the images with the dust lanes in blue and with a beaming yellow core.. and funnily enough I managed to make my image do something similar by switching the Lab Colour and taking the A channel away. but its still not quite right..

But yes.. green seems to impinge on everything Ive ever attempted to stack. 

Good analysis. You could use Pixinsight on a Mac and DBE is the best (by far) of all colour balance and gradient removal tools.


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.... and indeed, you should be excited - you have captured some great detail here. The final processing could do with a little tweaking to remove the colour gradients and balance the colours a little but this is a very satisfactory image and I'm delighted for you that have posted it here on SGL.

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Thanks to everyone for the advise and praise!  :smiley:

After a few tips offered and a little more work I think I have improved on the previous image.. Ive managed to balance the colours better..Got alot of the green out..but its still lurking there a little! But I should have improved on the background gradient..


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