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Tal 100 RS Vs Bresser AR127L

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Thanks currently the Bresser is cheaper than the Optic Star. On Bressers website James, it says the Bresser diagional is 2" with a 1.25" adapter. Is this what your talking about? Or have they updated the design?

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I believe these are the same scopes as the old Meade AR5 LXD75. Having owned both types, apart from the branding transfers etc, they seemed identical. The Meade I had was optically so so though whereas the Bresser 127L was a nice performer. 

Despite having a lovely Skywatcher ED120 I'm still occasionally tempted to get another 127L optical tube just because the price seems very low for a 5" achromat refractor. My other half might not think it such a good idea though .... :rolleyes2:

When I was starting out in the hobby a 5" achromat refractor was a specialist instrument and would have cost at least £1,500 I reckon, if you could get hold of one. How times have changed, for the better :smiley:

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When I was starting out in the hobby a 5" achromat refractor was a specialist instrument and would have cost at least £1,500 I reckon, if you could get hold of one. How times have changed, for the better :smiley:

I wonder what a 6" achro would have cost back then? because now it appears to be just 435 quid! Not having any kind of light bucket I'm half tempted having just found this:


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Amazon were previously doing the Bresser 152 L version of this scope for around £365 Chris! - the site says the scope has now been discontinued.

I did  find this one, complete with EXOS-2 mount (a cracking mount, in my opinion significantly better than the EQ5, with ball bearings etc, at 365Astronomy - they say they have just one left...and this one does say it has the 2" diagonal, which is a good one, not the horrible plastic 1.25" sometimes bundled... a great buy for the price if you ask me.. (but not trying to tempt you though!). Be warned though, this is a BIG OTA, but the views of the double cluster and pleidaes will make you cry.. :grin:



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365 pounds is an incredible price, you'd pay that for a second hand Synta 6" f8 ! If they still had the OTA'a for that I wouldn't think twice. 

lol yeah I don't think I'd physically fit another mount, I'm just about to write and ad for my Vixen 90m on EQ3 as it's getting pretty busy in my obsy/workshop and it serves the same purpose as the ED100. I can store fracs upwrite or in cases under the bed but mounts seem to take up crazy amounts of space. That 6" Bresser on EXos 2 looks like an utter beast!

No doubting the value for money in that package, it would be a great buy for someone with a garage.

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365 pounds is an incredible price, you'd pay that for a second hand Synta 6" f8 ! If they still had the OTA'a for that I wouldn't think twice....

Wow Chris - you need to shop around a bit :smiley:

I paid £125 for the last two 6" F/8's that I've bought used (Synta 150 F/8 and Meade AR6). OK they were bargains of course and the result of "wanted" adverts but I'd hesitate to pay more than £200 for one on the used market in all honesty.

Actually I tell a slight fib - I paid £400 for a Skywatcher 150 F/8 a couple of years back but that did come with a Moonlite dual speed focuser and a Chromacor II CA / SA corrector. The latter was worth more than I paid for the scope !

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lol Sounds like I need to learn how to haggle John :D To be honest I've not owned 6" achro, or a 5" infact so was guessing at the the price.

You must have been grinning ear to ear when you got hold of that Moonlited 6" and Chromacor! Best not tell anyone who's paid big bucks for a 6" ED they would weep!  

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I have owned a explore scientific 6 inch achromat in the past . I was not impressed with it. The duel speed focusser was a real disappointment , it seemed more like a gimmick to be honest. I have had more precise focussing with the standard rack and pinion focusser on my Optic Star Achromat. I am now seriously considering their 6 inch quad refrac, especially as I think that the T mount will handle this tube no problem. Problem is though the wife,,,,,.

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 On Teleskops Express website it says it comes with the 1.25" diagonal, I emailed them to confirm this, and to point out on Bresser's website it states it comes with a 2" diagonal with a 1.25" adapter. They emailed back to say that it comes with the 1.25" diagonal. I have given them Bresser link and pointed out the fact again and told them what you guys had related here. I have checked other UK retailers, and the UK retailers state 2" diagonal with 1.25" adapter.. I wonder if it is different specs for different countries! I was hoping to order from teleskop express as it is slightly cheaper and I'm ordering a mount from there anyway to save on shipping. If they are not going to promise the 2" diagonal, then I might order from else where. 

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The stock 1.25" diagonal is really pretty awful but the 2" one is quite decent. If you can get an assurance from a supplier that the 2" diagonal will be supplied then you can always make a fuss if something else is delivered.

Some of these scopes (most perhaps ?) are drop shipped so the supplier does not get a chance to check what accessories are actually included. They do vary as shipped from China, apparently.

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Yes, going to try and get an assurance from the retailer that it will in fact be shipped with a 2" diagonal, even ask if they have an AR127L in stock, and if they can check for me. That is what i am trying to do with Teleskop Express. Will get there in the end.

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I really liked my AR127L http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/215060-bresser-messier-ar-127l-my-thoughts/ but it was not with out it's short comings. The most obvious one being the lack of a straight forward bolt on alternative to the supplied R&P focuser. The standard focuser isn't terrible but R&P focusers in general lack finesse and I much prefer a DS Crayford focuser. The second thing I found is that the AR127L is a heavy old beast for it's aperture although in fairness does work well on a GIRO III but consider a counterweight to improve smoothness. As with most AZ mounts, balancing and your full attention during EP changes are paramount with long tube refractors.

As others have said the AR127L is going to offer more lastability over the 100RS in that your going to find it easier to pick out detail in fainter stuff compared to the smaller 4" Tal.

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Thanks for the information spaceboy. Just an update, Teleskop Express has not bothered to reply to my last email, asking for confirmation on the fact that they would indeed sell me an AR127L with the 2" diagonal, as advertised on Bressers website.

Think I will just order from a British retailer, as plenty of them state that it comes with a 2" diagonal. Then I am protected by the UK consumer rights, and trade description act! I hope it doesn't come to that though.

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