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All-Sky Camera (Watec Cloudbusting!)


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With apologies to the immortal Kate Bush?  :icon_flower: (Peter Gabriel? LOL!)

Just recently, I received a (modest) pension-contribution refund for the

(dubious?) pleasure of having remained single these 60 years! lol. But

this has enabled me to get moving on a few *Video Astro* projects that

had (frustratingly) ground to a halt, owing to a general lack of funds!  :o

Anyway, the upshot: I bought myself a Watec 902H Ultimate(!) to see

what it could do e.g. as an ALL-SKY camera. For the purpose I "stole"

the 2.1mm freebie 150 deg CCTV lens off a ZWO ASI 120-MC cam. :)

The WAT-902H Ultimae is often quoted as *THE* camera for low light

real-time applications such as Meteor and Occultation work. Certainly,

with a 0.000lx @ f1.4, the camera is still among the most sensitive? ;)

There is certainly a lot of fine papers on this camera. It is the de-facto

device for the "CAMS" people! http://cams.seti.org/easyCAMS.html

Whatever, checkout their NINETEEN camera "mosaic" setups tho'! :cool:

Initial ALL_SKY (real time) observations were encouraging... As the

sun set, the gradual emergence of brighter stars! However, as max

"astronomical darkness" approached, the screen went fairly black! :(

YOU WIN SOME - YOUR LOSE SOME! (I'm not terribly surprised?)


Nevertheless, I think the 902H series would be a useful device 

for any Video Astronomer... I can already envisage many uses.

There are the many, and much cited, serious tasks above...

If I SUM but a very *few* frames a passable image is revealed!

Maybe if I get a better / *faster* fish eye lens for the purpose?


However, what I really want is to AVOID any more computers!!!

To have an real-time ALL SKY image directly / simply by coax...

more basic, integrating cameras do this without breaking sweat!

This a trivial 2.56 sec internal stack with my old Watec 120N+


Of course, the above is still plagued by drifting "Cirrus" clouds!

And anyway, this was only ever a case for updating my aging

(much cherished) Watec 120N+ to a shiny new Watec 910HX!  :D

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If you ever have the opportunity to upgrade to the 910HX then go for it. Its way more sensitive than the 902 and is probably the best cam for meteors, occultations etc. looks great on a tv at 1/50sec and better at X2. It is as real time as you can get. I have a 4 cam meteor setup running with 910HX's and its awesome. Expensive...but still awesome.

The handset can also be extended so that you can have full control from your observing chair in the house while the cam is outside.

Pictures of my setup here. http://meteorobserver.proboards.com/thread/190/building-mousetrap?page=1&scrollTo=923

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If you ever have the opportunity to upgrade to the 910HX then go for it.

Thanks Allan! Well, when it came to the crunch, I didn't need too much persuasion...

Love your "Ziggurat", BTW - Splendid stuff. Next step a complete Tardis console? :p

(I still imagine an integrating camera must be useful for meteor work, somehow!)

Indeed, extending the handset cable - To control the 910HX remotely, was part of

the attraction... And less fraught than cutting and spicing the 16-way 120N+ cable! ;)

Hi James! Yes, amazing what you can see, if you look hard... Sagitta, Delphinus etc.

On a night unfortunately plagued by (sadly not atypically here!) THIS sort of thing: 

I also do seem to have a lot of neighbours who apparently "need the bathroom"

throughout the night. Witness the ever-blinking lights, illuminated bushes etc. etc. :D

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Restless neighbours, car headlights and streetlights are the main reason for mounting my cams on the roof,. and it does give a better view as well of course. There is really something quite pleasant about watching the night sky on a tv screen. Its often better than watching normal tv.

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They are certainly useful to have around - And for a multiplicity of purposes. 

Get 'em (Watecs) while you can... They may be a diminishing resource? :p

The 902's do come in an (initially) bewildering array of types / sensitivities -

But, if you checkout the data sheet and know your specific application... :)

"Touch Wood", Watecs seem to be virtually indestructible

and have the merit of "good old coax output" simplicity. ;)

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