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Polarex-Unitron 60mm f15 Refractor

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I've been very lucky with scopes in the past, with very few that I really didn't like..I remember a couple of really poor later Tasco scopes (and yet some of the really old ones were superb before they started "summing down" the quality). And I also had a Bresser 6" F5 (the Petzval version) that I just couldn't get to focus well, I think that may have been a lemon. But other than that I've been pleased with most of my scopes - and I've also had very few bad experiences buying used gear. The Astro community in my experience a very honest bunch of people:-)


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It has been a few weeks since I last looked through this scope but tonight's full Moon gave me the perfect reason to do so. Since I last posted here I have acquired an adapter that allows a 1.25" diagonal to be securely fitted to the focus tube so I hooked up my Tele Vue Everbright 1,25" diagonal and Tele Vue 25mm Plossl and went hunting for the Moon.

I don't currently have a finder attached to this scope so it was a game of point and shoot until I managed to get the Moon in the FOV. The search revealed that there is a fair amount of light scatter and reflections inside the OTA as I could see the Moon coming well before it arrived in front of the lens. Once I had the Moon in view I slid the focus tube in and out to reach coarse focus and then a quick tweak of the focuser and bang, I had a fabulous view of the Moon with almost no CA. Stunning.

I did not try any other EPs or diagonals in the scope tonight so have no idea whether or not my expensive TV solution at the back end made a difference but I can say I am happy with the result.

This has given me some motivation to get the sandpaper out and finish the project!

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Excellent Derek. One thing I like about 60mm fracs on the Moon is that the brightness is spot on unfiltered, even better with a binoviewers :)

Are you going to flock the inside to sort out the reflections? It would probably boost contrast quite a bit.

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I'll do something with it, Chris, even if it is just a new coat of Matt Black paint.

Thinking about it now, having removed the broken finder there are now four holes in the OTA up near the eyepiece. It's possible that the full Moon was throwing light down those holes as I approached it rather than it being reflections further up the scope.

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  • 2 months later...

For those with a sense of history: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Polarex-telescope-D60mm-F900-/252144533183?hash=item3ab4fc3ebf:g:wIEAAOSwo6lWL9Fn

Looks in much better nick than mine and the price doesn't look ridiculous compared to others I have seen.

Still seems a lot to me for what is likely to be a rather medocre performing 60mm achromat ?

They do look nice though.

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Still seems a lot to me for what is likely to be a rather medocre performing 60mm achromat ?

They do look nice though.

Indeed. Which is why I said it was for those with a sense of history :wink:

I don't think anyone would buy one of these as an alternative to a modern scope, but they might want one to look nice in a large room or conservatory, or just to have as an astro antique.

I've seen these being advertised for £500-£900 - which made me think £340 isn't ridiculous. That said, I'm glad I got my old girl for £90, even if she is a bit rough around the edges :lol:

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I'd be tempted. A Unitron was what I wanted above all other things for awile when I was about 12 years old. It truly is a historic artifact. I wonder if there's a museum anywhere holding such animals.

On another note, there's a good article in the October 2015 editiion of Astronomy magazine over here in the US. And it has a 4" Unitron as one of the stars.

Thanks for posting, all -


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.... That said, I'm glad I got my old girl for £90, even if she is a bit rough around the edges :lol:

Don't let her hear you say that Derek ! :smiley:

I think the 114 Unitron was available new in the mid-1970's so I'm not sure that it qualifies as a historic artifact :icon_scratch:

I admit I used to drool over the advert for them in the US astro magazines I used to get in the 1980's but I suspect this comment made by an anonomous person might be accurate, at least to some extent:

"Unitrons, you spend more time looking at them than you do through them" :smiley:

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Lovely looking scope Derek.

I think that the whole Unitron thing has got silly (and I speak as a fan who once owned a 4" folded F15 and stupidly sold it!). Every week you see parts and accessories selling on eBay at silly prices, often well in excess of their modern equivalents.

I actually think the optics are good (they were on the two I had, anyway), but at the end of the day its a 60mm - a large finder nowadays.

That said, the scopes deserve their place in history, and I'm among many amateurs who owe their interest in astronomy to Sir Patrick and a 60mm F15 frac:-). And they do look nice!


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