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Latitude and Longtitude

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Just wondering if anyone can help me here, on my polar finder app my latitude is 51.72 but on the synscan I cannot type in 72 as it only goes up to 60, I noticed the same on google earth, if I hover over my house it says 51.43 (which is which is what I have been putting into my synscan). My lat is different also, again it shows 3.36 yet on google earth 3.21. Curious I have just tried a few other map sites and they all come back 51.72  -336 yet I cannot type 72 into the synscan. Any ideas?

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Hi. Here we have your source quoted in decimals and your Synscan input required in degrees, minutes and seconds. There are 60 minutes in one degree and 60 seconds in one minute. So if you times 60 by your .72 you will get your required input (close enough) in minutes. My guess is it will work out around 51 degrees and 45 minutes.

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As you'll see from my thread in the mount section, it is largely unimportant to be particularly accurate With this. The nearest whole degree will be more than sufficient. In fact, the nearest 10 degrees will probably do unless you plan to park it at the end of an observing session.


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I think one system is traditional, like hours / minute so only goes up to 60 degrees the other is used by GPS system not sure may be metric .

Conversion tables can be found on the internet.


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