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An unusual Sunset...


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Without using google, can anyone guess where this blue sunset was photographed?


Nice one DRT ! :)

But I did not need to google :) having checked ( as is my wont !) APOD upon arising this morning (several hours ago ! )


I know that it was on Mars :)

The thing that caught my attention was the commentary by, in their words "a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer." "The reason for the blue hues from Mars is not fully understood,"

So all this guff we have been told since childhood that the sky is blue cos of scattering and sunset is red because of scattering is on a par with how  we dont know how black holes work and how the universe started

Yea, I know, but it makes you one wonder (if potatoes are bad for your health), dont it ? :) :) :) :)

Runs for cover >>>

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Mars indeed - I think this is one of the most interesting photographs I have ever seen. It makes me feel like I could be there looking at it.

Red rocks and sand are all well and good, but a look back at the Sun from so far away with a nice big earth-like mountainous horizon in view is quite stunning.

It reminds me of the night I spent in Sutton a few years ago :grin:

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Mars indeed - I think this is one of the most interesting photographs I have ever seen.


It reminds me of the night I spent in Sutton a few years ago :grin:

I agree,

trouble is that these days we have become immune to the effects of photoshopping, so we are reserved,

so we begin to wonder at the value when "the scientific community is puzzled"

IF (capitals) it had been presented not as a "wow look at this" but rather a "ummm we are a bit puzzled " ??? I might have reacted differently, maybe I have too much time on my hands ?

I say again, if we cant explain blue scattering on Mars wot chance with the Big Bang ?

 Shouldnt be rocket science !



Sutton Surrey,

or Coldfield ?

Now there's some (k)nights tales that could be told ;)

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There is a refreshing honesty in the "we don't quite know what is going on here" description. I am currently reading a book on astronomy written in 1875 and there are lots of such statements, whether direct or indirect, that reveal the innocence of the time. Lots of descriptions of "the fixed stars in our solar system" yet not a mention of a galaxy or galaxies.

It is refreshing to know that is was not only our great, great, great grandfathers who had only a little knowledge of what makes it all tick. I have a feeling we still have lots to learn.

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