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QHY5L-II black screen - first time connect


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This is probably something simple, - I have connected my new QHY5L-II to my mount, but am only seeing a black screen when I start it up. I followed all the instructions to load the drivers first, but can't see why I can see no image. I am doing this in daylight so I imagine I should be able to see something on the screen, even if it is out of focus at this setup stage.


Any help appreciated. I all look like it has connected properly, and I have not left any lens caps on :grin:



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Yep I pressed the blue loop button at the bottom right. This just leads to a white screen with the caption "Star Lost". Jambouk I will try your suggestion later.

When I did the PHD2 install it goes through a small set up routine, and ask for a set of darks to be taken. Seems to go through that process ok, and I can't see any specific errors in the logs.

Thanks - Alistair

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Is this a qhy5l-ii mono? If so, they are tricky to use during the day cos they are so sensitive. You might try it with the qhy ezplanetary software and native driver which allows you to set millisecond exposures and low gain. Make sure you are using a good quality cable and dedicated usb 2.0 hi speed port :)


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Tried the ezplanetary - adjusted the gain to 5% and the exposure time to 20ms, and saw a very white screen. However if I put my hand over the guider lens, you can see it darken. I have not focused the guider yet, but assumed this can only happen once I see an image. Am i fundamentally missing something here, is the sensitivity on these devices extremly high, unlike a camera sensor ? - Can this not be set up in day light, - like focusing a finderscope ? -(Newbee to autoguiding as you can tell).



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You should be able to focus the guide scope on something in the distance, but it's a balancing act of getting the exposure settings correct so it's not black or white, but in the middle, and getting the focus correct.

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Yeah, you won't see anything until you are close to focus. Remember also with PHD2 there is a tool button on the  connect screen. This allows you set the gain of the camera. I usually keep mine quite low - less than 20, I think (from memory!).


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ok ... so it's not black or white - but somewhere in the middle and then try to focus .... go this now ....


I guess these proves it working ? - I hope so ... still not sure I understand what I am doing though .... all a learning curve :grin:



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  • 1 month later...

what choices do you have in the camera drop-down on that connect-equipment dialogue ?

Mine had about 3 different choices that mentioned QHY5L (can't remember what they are at the moment and don't have access to the scope).  There was an ASCOM one, the one you're using (which I think is an old driver), and another one as well, only the last one worked with my QHY5Liic.  Experiment with the different options and see which one shows you anything.  

Don't expect it to look like much in the daytime, PHD is optimised for dark, but you should at least be able to see it dim and brighten as you cover the end 

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