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Flat ground for dobsonian?

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 Manual Dobsonians are easily operated, with that being said placing the base on a flat board helps a lot. My backyard is like an ocean and I've not been able to find a adequate location . So improvisation is the only way I can sit and view for hours, I use my adjustable leg shower chair I got for $15 at a thrift store and works for 6 yrs. so far and I shim the board for AP.

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Most folk I know with manual dobs face this challenge. I have seen adjustable feet, the odd paving slab and a few bricks. Just make sure you are safe, along with the glass bits that may drop out of the focusser...

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I've never had mine on flat ground. If the base has three feet you can move it about to get it sturdier. I've always just shoved a bit of wood under one side if the ground is partially uneven. I've had it on a bit of a slope before, that wasn't so great but it still worked. Just a bit more effort to push it I found.


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