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Aurora take 2

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Better display tonight with a slight touch of rippling like a moving curtain. Still quite near the horizon so like last night it must be high up in the arctic circle.Considerably brighter than last night,so much so that i spent about 2hours watching it. :rolleyes:



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Cheers guys,there's supposed to be more aurora tonight,the forecast says it will be clear skies but i'm a bit dubious,the satellite images dont look so good.If it is clear i'm going to Thurso Castle to get a few shots because i'm not to happy taking them where i have been,there's nothing in the foreground to give the shots a sence of perspective,also might try a narrower field of view,say 25-30mm instead of the 18mm i was using.

Would ideally like to be taking shots of 15 sec or less but the displays are not bright enough(yet) and having to go up to 25-30sec at iso 800 they are turning out really grainy.

Hopefully in the next couple of years or so when the displays start to increase in intensity the exposure time and iso will reduce giving sharper pics,having snow on the groung helps immensely too,lighting up your foreground.Just have to keep trying untill that really good shot pops up. :rolleyes:

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That's the plus side of living at 59N.The down side is a lot of the skies showpieces are very low for good observing.All things considered i'm happier with the Northern Lights. 8)

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