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February 17, 2015: First Jupiter shots with the ASI174MM

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Just been snapping Jupiter in pretty bad seeing for the first time with the ASI174MM. I used a 3x TeleXtender, rather than my more usual 2.5x Powermate, and despite this could capture at higher frame rates than with the DMK21AU618. Pretty impressed at how fast I could capture 1000 frames in each band (stacked 400 per band)

IR band:






I gathered enough data so I could start working with WinJuPos, but will save that for another day

Very impressed at this first outing of the ASI174 in planetary work. It is also very handy to be able to vary the ROI at will to capture moons and the like. The processing still needs some work, but I am pleased for now.

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Great first outing Michael and I'm very interested to see how this camera will fare on Jupiter and the outer planets.   Looks a very promising start - it always takes a few outings to find the best settings for the camera and this should thrive at longer focal lengths.    I like the idea of getting hard drive busting frame rates of Jupiter and all four Galilean moons and the improved QE and lower noise will all help!

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Great first planetary outing, but do you think it is that much better that the ASI120's ??

Will be interesting to see other results, in the coming days and weeks



Not necessarily better than the ASI120. However, I have an ASI120MC, not an MM (and certainly not an MM-S), so the ASI174MM is really up against the (and excellent) DMK21AU618. The latter loses on frame rate, resolution and QE.

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