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Iota Cassiopeiae

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I'm working my way through the Cassiopeiae doubles and was looking at Iota last night. The small companion was no trouble, but I could not make out the closer element. Is it "do-able" with the 8 inch? I should have spent longer on it but I gave in to the cold. Minus 3c and everything frosted up!

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I can do Iota Cass with my 4" refractor and it's one of my favourites in that part of the sky :smiley:

The seeing conditions have been all over the place lately though so what should be straightforward has not always proved so :rolleyes2:

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Agree with John. I've split the close pair a couple of times with my 4" frac as well, but I couldn't get it at 110x ... I will try again now the challenge has been thrown down! It is really a lovely group and, unlike some multiples, genuinely looks like a triple star. Last time I looked the secondary (of the close pair) looked reddish - maybe you'll see the colour more clearly with 8" aperture. Steady skies!

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  • 6 years later...

an old topic but I wanted to add that I have just observed the Iota Cas with a 130p reflector and a 4mm Takahashi TOE eyepiece. Beautiful triple, all the components can relatively easily be resolved. However, the scope definitely required a cool down and steady air.

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