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Venus and Mercury conjunction, 10th Jan


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I popped out to look for Venus and Mercury in conjunction around 4.30pm UK time today but couldn't see them.  They appeared very low in the SW around 4.50pm and I managed a couple of shots with my Nikon D60 and 500mm lens, handheld at 1/20th second (well, balancing the camera on a wall).  They are separated by a mere 39 arcminutes here, and will be very close for the next few nights then around 6 degrees apart by the 21st. I couldn't identify Mercury visually at all, though the icy winds didn't motivate me to look very hard I must admit!



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I'll be having a go at Lovejoy too! I'm not set up for proper deep sky imaging so will just piggyback the 500mm lens + camera on the telescope set up and see what I can get.

Good luck! Skies are looking lovely at the moment and the BBC is promising a clear one, but I've been fooled before...

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