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Balancing scope

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Hello everyone

This may be a totally stupid question but when I set up my mount for a know set of accessories  I put the weights in the same position every time  - I have a micrometer to measure the position of the last weight (the others  are simply pushed together at the top  of the bar i.e. in a known position). I have the position of the scope in the dovetail clamp marked out on the dovetail bar  to ensure the other axis is balanced - however this datum point is more hit and miss.   

My questions are 1: is this balancing method valid and 

2, if so is there anything on the market I can buy to act as an end stop on the dovetail bar to make balancing that axis more accurate?



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Following the directions and advice of the Astronomy Shed video-series will put you in the happy middle-ground where all will be about as good as it gets - without having to constantly be making micro-adjustments every time you change an eyepiece, or adjust the focus. All in all, it's an excellent series for giving most anyone a good working knowledge of using telescopes in a wide variety of configurations.

Thank you for posting this one, Louise. And for anyone wishing to see all the available tutorials from the Astronomy Shed, I suggest following this link and bookmarking it:


Clear & Steady Skies,


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The Astronomy shed video washow I learned to balance originally. My post was essentially asking if it is ok to then mark the positions of everything for a quicker set up next time and is there anything on the market to facilitate such a technique.

r. Dan

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