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Can anybody make this beter for me


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I've had a bash,Bernie but come up with much the same result as Tony. I think he has the right idea. What you could do is crop the image cutting out the vinagar, vinegar,vinegret, the dark bits round the edges and keep the best bit. :afro:



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Tony, what's "deconvolution adjustment" ?? And is Image Analyser part of photoshop or some other program ?


(Desperately bluffing to sound like I know what i'm talking about here :afro: ) Deconvolution is the application of a filter (algorithm) to untangle mixed signals. Normally you would use this kind of thing on a raw or unprocessed image before applying anything else, but i sometimes use the deconvolution settings in Image Analyser (http://meesoft.logicnet.dk/) as my first pass instead of unsharp masking at the end. There are all kinds of deconvolution that can be used in all kinds of ways on different kinds of astro-imaging...so I won't get into that particular minefield :D I then usually use PS for some basic processing (levels, curves etc ).

The Image Analyser software also has some really nice noise reduction and processing features, worth checking out!


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Tony, thanks for the information. :scratch: I'm not sure I'm much further along with understanding what it does, but I've downloaded image analyser and will see what effects the various filters have.

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Tony, thanks for the information. :scratch: I'm not sure I'm much further along with understanding what it does, but I've downloaded image analyser and will see what effects the various filters have.

I usually like to try the following on lunar and planetary images:-

Select an image file in Image Analyser

Choose Filters/Restoration by deconvolution

Choose Model - Motion blur

click on 'Guess' for both Vertical and Horizontal

Do iteration

...if you don't like it..just Reset

...I'm usually pleasantly surprised!


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