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Dark Site - Powering Laptop

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A power tank might be ok, depending on how long you will be using it and how many devices you are powering.

A leisure battery will be more reliable for longer sessions and allow you to power your mount, camera, laptop, dew heaters if needed etc. They are heavy though, no use if you need a portable setup.

Other battery types are available, I don't know much about them though. I'm sure someone else will...

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I sometimes end up carrying two laptops out if I'm using my two scope setup but generally with my older MacBook I've got two spare batteries which I swap over as each runs down. I use a small external battery (the type that charges up iPhones/iPads etc to connect the laptop to while I switch over the battery (luckily quite easy on my older laptop). This gives me about 7-8 hours battery life easily.

If I take my newer laptop (which Apple have made impossible to switch the battery on) I use a leisure battery (86AH). It's heavy but with the 4 hour laptop battery life I get a whole night easily off it.

This all works very well for me but depends on my not having two clear nights in a row as I doubt I could charge up three external laptop batteries, the newer laptops battery and the leisure battery all in time for the next night... :) Funnily enough I haven't run into this problem yet. :(


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Ya my i7 will use its battery up too quickly. I was looking at the car's 12V to 220V AC via an adapter I saw online. That can plug a multiple plug into it then. Only thing is car might have to be running sometimes (as the draw might be high), so noise and petrol. I'm sure the scope + 1 laptop would be fine on it.

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Something like this: http://www.tayna.co.uk/Numax-CXV24MF-P3126.html - its not light but it's better than the 110AH versions. You'd need a good charger - by the time you're finished you'll have spent well over £100 but the one I got 7 years ago is still going strong.


Blimey, that's cheaper than the power packs I have! Many thanks!

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