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Saturn, first this year worth posting

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Instead of a nasty windy night as per the forecast, there was hardly any wind at all. Some clouds later which cut it short when the guiding lost its place. Anyhoo, the seeing was very wobbly so its not up to the usual standard that gets posted by the planet killers here.


(click to enlarge)

The moons are from a duplicated layer which had to be stretched massively, but the dots are real. Titan above, then Dione close underneath and finally Rhea.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Thanks guys, here's the details for Karlo.

Standard Toucam with IR/UV filter on, 4X Imagemate on the Tal 200K so f/40 ish, 8 metre focal length.

10FPS, gain on 80%, shutter speed on full, saturation of full, gamma on half.

Capture and guiding via K3CCD tools set to 175 second captures at a repeat rate of three minutes.

Left it going for half an hour and picked the useable AVIs (the ones with stuff on due to clouds getting in the way on lots of them). After half an hour it had got cloudy (no more Saturn on the screen next to the telly :wink: so I parked it all and shut the lid. Copied the files via the network wotsit and locked it all down ready for the storm that didn't happen.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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